First of all, the holidays were amazing. It was our first Christmas in our new house and I couldn't have asked for a better time. Since we had all the unexpected issues during the remodel last year, I didn't get a vacation. The two weeks I took off was just what the doctor ordered! I came into 2012 refreshed, revitalized and ready to take on all my new goals.
Over the holidays, my son Michael helped me move my teaching studio over to the new location. The first week of January was my first official week of teaching in the new place. It's absolutely wonderful having the studio at my house again. Even though the old house was only a minute and a half's drive away, I LOVE being able to just walk inside my house when the teaching day is done. The climate is so much nicer as are the aesthetics. I'll be posting pics shortly!
This month also has me attending NAMM. I'm looking forward to seeing all my company contacts and meeting new ones. I'm so grateful to have the support of all the great companies whose products I've used over the years to teach, perform and record. Your support is a dream come true.
Party Jones is still going strong and we are filling up dates for 2012. Remember to check the calendar on my web page to see where we're playing and come drop by for a fun time!