Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Great Lesson Learned

As many of my students know, I had the privilege of studying with the great Roy Burns. Roy helped me in so many ways. He got my hands together as well as my reading. My hour lessons with Roy were so much more than just learning about drums though. Roy taught me about life.

One lesson in particular really resonated with me. At the time, I was working graveyard shift for the Orange County Probation Department. I was assigned to a minimum security youth camp up in the Cleveland National Forest about a 60 mile one-way drive from my home. I absolutely hated the job. At the beginning of every lesson, the first 15 minutes or so was devoted to Roy finding out about my week and my headspace. He was a very caring teacher and took great pride in knowing his students well. On this particular day, he asked how I was and I told him I was depressed about my job and that I would be much happier if I was doing music full-time. I had wanted to transition into a music career but lacked the courage to take the leap of faith. He patiently listened to me complain for several minutes and then simply replied, "You are where you want to be."

I remember being taken aback by this comment at first and I quickly told him, no I'm not. I'd much rather be making a living with my drumming. He then responded, "Well then, do it." This back and forth went on for a few minutes. Roy was giving me enough rope to hang myself! Through his patient and wise remarks, he made me realize that at that time in my life and due to the way I had been raised, as much as I wanted to be a full-time musician, I wanted the stability and job security of my full-time job more. At first I was angry for Roy's seemingly flippant remark. Through his gentle nudging, he allowed me to see for myself that I was my own worst enemy when it came to pursuing my goals. Over the years I've shared this story with many of my students who struggle with the same thing. I think it is important to be smart, get educated, save money and live frugally, but life is short. I think there can be a balance between pursuing one's dreams and being smart about it.

Fast forward 19 years and now I'm living the dream. I've got a full roster of drum students with a waiting list for certain days/times. I perform most weekends with a great corporate/casuals band that occasionally gets to travel. I'm privileged to have endorsements with amazing companies like Remo, Pro-Mark, Onboard Research and Spaun Drums!

Last January at NAMM, I met up with Roy at the Aquarian booth. I re-introduced myself not thinking he would remember me. Not only did he remember me, but he remembered my former occupation and the talks we had about it. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think of the impact that Roy had on me both as a drummer and as a human being.

Thanks for everything, Roy.