Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pro-Mark Drumsticks!

I am thrilled to announce that I am now endorsing Pro-Mark drumsticks! After playing Vic Firth drumsticks since the mid 80s (save for a brief stint with SilverFox in the early 2000s) I decided it was time for a change. My good friend and business associate Marty Fullard has been singing the praises of Pro-Mark the entire time I've known him. I finally made the leap and I couldn't be happier.

Their products are amazingly well made and consistent. The people at the company actually care about their endorsees... even guys like me who aren't famous but who still have an impact on the buying trends of their students. My contact at the company is incredibly nice and friendly. I couldn't be happier!

Stay tuned for more updates on this development!